Every organization has certain business goals. As a commercial organization’s prime target is to earn revenue through its operations, all the activities need to be planned in a strategic manner. For achieving the business objectives of the company, a company-wide target is framed. This target is a broad-based target which if it has to be achieved; numerous tasks have to be done in an orchestrated manner. The organizational targets are then broken down into business unit targets and further broken down into team targets & individual targets. There are different types of skill sets that are needed to achieve these targets. Departments are formed to handle a particular function in a business. Related professionals work in a department to carry out roles based on their skill set.

Organizational goals percolate to individual goals

As the jobs get divided into the different business units, the unit’s goals are formed. Each unit has a separate goal to achieve depending on the function handled by them. These goals have a linkage with the company’s goals. Each unit has members who handle different aspects of the units function. These people have the relevant skills, training and qualification for handling these jobs. The targets of the unit are broken down into the individual job targets of the employees. You can relate the individual’s target with the company’s ultimate objectives. For the company to meet its targets, each individual needs to achieve his target properly. Once this is done in a fruitful manner, the organization’s targets & goals will be met.

Upgradation of HR skills in supporting company targets

The HR department too has a vital role to play in contributing to the organizational goals. The following are the ways that they can continuously support in achieving the company targets:

Talent acquisition: You can try adopting newer methods of recruitment and use recruitment tools to bring in ease of access to your database of candidates from past job opening. The use of the social media efficiently in tandem with an ease to use recruitment tool will help your organization excel in this area.

Take HR related training: Honing of the HR skills mainly relate to candidate selection, retaining talent, maintaining employee morale & keeping abreast on the latest statutory norms that your organization has to comply with. There are several pieces of training organized by reputed institutes or professional bodies.

Hone your training skills: HR often has to take the responsibility of training the employees. It is mainly behavioral training that they impart. The HR personnel themselves should stay updated on the topics and try to imbibe anything new that may be available.

Talent retention: Just like recruitment, retaining employees is a big challenge nowadays. The HR professionals must know the ways and means that can keep people back in the organization when they see that someone has resigned. They should develop a network in the company to know beforehand that an employee is contemplating resignation. He should be ready to take instant remedial measures.

Succession Planning: Mentor & train successors for key positions within your organization to ensure that a vacancy due to exit, promotion, transfer does not affect the goals of the organization

The above-mentioned areas are among the vital areas that an HR professional should develop in supporting the achievement of the organizational goals.

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