Nothing comes for free! You need to pay for whatever you want to get. In order to get this money an individual has to work. In the earlier days it was pre-decided what the job of a person will be in future, based on the family he/she was born in. There was a hierarchical balance in the society and everyone was bound to follow these rules. But now, time has changed. Today, job is decided on the basis of the educational qualification of a person. We come across various job ads in the newspaper. Some attract us and some do not. The ones that attract us give us hope to offer a good future. But competition is tough these days. Lakhs of candidates apply for a few hundred jobs. In such situations it becomes a challenge to choose the correct and suitable candidate. A candidate has to be the best to get his/her dream job. In order to fight this challenge a company must be very conscious during the selection process. The first step in the selection process is the advertisement section. Every company publishes a job ad and description depending on its requirements. Eyeing this ad only all interested candidates apply. If possible a company should try to eliminate all the unsuitable candidates at this point itself. This can be done by giving a particular set of qualifications or criteria necessary to apply for that job.

Every company has its own advertising department who constantly work on the media related issues. This department should keep in mind to publish all the possible information in a job ad.

Given below are a few criteria which are mostly considered:-

  • Age Criteria

Sharp and young minds are always in demand. Companies always prefer candidates who have achieved maximum qualifications at the minimum age. But at the same time experience is also a factor. An aged person with great experience should always be preferred over an unexperienced person. Therefore, while giving a job ad a company should keep its large variations in the age barriers. Some jobs demand strenuous and odd hour hardships which can be better achieved by the younger lots. So, depending on the needs of the job, the company should fluctuate its age variations.

  • Qualifications

This is the most important factor of all. In today’s world the thing that is valued the most is a person’s qualifications. The required qualifications may vary depending on the job. Since, we are talking about an HR software company here then it is quite obvious that the minimum qualifications required for this job will be a graduation degree in engineering education. Sometimes people with further qualifications also apply, like MBA graduates. Such students should be given more preference as their knowledge is more and they can work on a wide range of works. Just a certificate is not enough. It is important to see the institute or college of education as well. The place of learning greatly affects the personality of a person, so the better and well-known institutes should always be considered.

  • Job Position

The position open in a company should be mentioned in the job ad. Different people aim for different positions in the professional world. One may want to be a coder, one an analyst, etc. So, mentioning the future opportunities in the company is very much required to give the applicants a better idea of their future in the company. If multiple openings are there, then it is advised to advertise all of them.

  • Pay

A company should be very clear in its rules and regulations. Among such factors comes the pay. The company should clearly mention the pay in the job ad, so that the candidates can decide for themselves whether the pay is suitable for them or not. If possible it is advised to vary the range of pay based on other factors like age, experience, qualification, etc. In this busy lifestyle it is the economic stability that matters the most, so the pay should suit the economic demands of the candidate.

  • Job Location

Nowadays the main strife of man is to balance personal and professional life. It is widely seen that people stay away from their families for long times just for the sake of their jobs. This somewhere or the other affects the efficiency of the candidate. If family and relatives are nearby then concentration level is greatly improved and increased. So, if a company finds a local candidate suiting all the demands then such a candidate should be chosen.

  • Communication skills

This skill should be checked in all the applicants. In an HR software company interpersonal skills should be very good. This can be checked and tested during the personal interview rounds. Soft skills are a necessity these days to deal with the clients one comes across during their job lives. Along with the technical expertise, a person should be emotionally linked with the company and the projects. Only then can an employee give 100% efficiency.


In such a fast paced world there is a tough competition between the companies and especially the software companies. It is generally mentioned that today is the age of software. In such a scenario, it is a must that a company chooses the best of candidates so that the efficiency of the overall company increases. There is a large number of software companies around the world and a company can be successful only if it is the best. The progress of an entire nation depends on the IT industry’s these days. So, it is an integral demand that a company satisfies all the expectations of the nation and at the same time follows an ideology that separates it from all other software company.

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