There are several benefits to going paperless, so many companies have decided to jump on the bandwagon. Tech companies have also wizened up and begun offering many products and services that can help companies to go paperless. Whether your company can go completely paperless may depend on the regulations and client needs in your particular field, but lightening the load can still be highly advantageous.

Why Go Paperless?

Going paperless can benefit companies, employees, and the environment. The company saves money on paper, toner, ink, paperclips, storage space, and storage organizers and sees gains such as better organization and improved processes as a result. Less paper use reduces the demand for paper and the waste that goes back out into the environment, helping keep the environment clean and minimizing the use of the harmful practices that go into manufacturing paper.

Implement an HRMS

Implementing an HMRS can help the office save paper in a few different ways. Hiring and onboarding processes may be made completely electronic, saving clutter and making it much easier to sift through applications and store needed employee or recruit information. Reports, schedules, PTO requests, and several other functions may also be made paperless using an HRMS, depending on the features that are offered with the particular software.

Encourage Paperless Payroll

Direct deposit and paycheck cards can help to reduce paper waste and make payday easier for everyone involved. When there are no paper checks to distribute, there is often less distracting commotion, which can help to boost productivity on paydays. Employees also benefit, as money is deposited right to their accounts so that they do not need to go out of their way to cash a check.

Invest in a Scanner

If there are historical documents or manuals that are currently on paper, investing in a scanner can help you to keep it paperless and clean. Depending on the sophistication of the scanning equipment, you may be able to organize and distribute or store the scanned information in new and innovative ways-such as making an employee manual available on an HRMS. A scanner can also help you to keep all information (such as paper applications) saved and organized electronically if you don’t go completely paperless.

Opt for Paperless Statements and Bill Paying

Many vendors provide an option for paperless statements and may allow you to make payments online. Using this option can help you to save paper clutter, and you can keep all records of past bills conveniently filed in an email folder. Doing this may help you to avoid issues with lost mail and can save you from ever having to purchase business checks.

Use File Sharing Services

There are many different free and paid file sharing options that will allow your team to collaborate on projects and share folders without ever having to break out the pen and paper. This actually opens up opportunities for different ways to present data, while simultaneously making it easy to save a back-up copy of all completed work.

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