Round pegs for round holes is the most clichéd concept in recruitment and yet the most enduring. As all, employers quickly learn that there’s a world of difference between an employee who has the capability to deliver on a role and is a match for the organisation’s culture and one who is not. Though finding such a match is a mindboggling and frustrating exercise, a little bit of care can tremendously reduce chances of failure. Here are three steps to help you produce great hiring results:

1.Develop accurate job descriptions

Your first step is to make sure you have an effective job description for each position in your company. Job descriptions should not reflect just the roles the individual will fill and the skill sets they’ll need and the personality attributes that are important to completing their tasks. They should highlight the goals the role will be required to achieve over short to medium term, any relevant experience that would differentiate one applicant from another. They should also show what the incumbent is expected to scale up to in terms of growth.

2.Compile a success and failure profile

In addition to creating job descriptions, it’s important to develop a “success profile” of the ideal employee and a “failure profile” of the employee type who would just not work. To accomplish this goal, you need to profile a broad sample of your top performers and dehires in the specified role to identify any skills or attributes that are common to the top group but missing from the non-performing groups and vice-versa. Using this information, you’ll be able to develop a profile to help you select candidates most likely to succeed in that position.

3.Assess your potential candidates for their skills and attributes using a planned interview strategy

Most interviewers go into an interview unprepared and build their questions on the go depending upon the candidate’s resume and responses to previous questions. This ad hoc mechanism means the interview strategy is neither consistent nor calibrated. It will not assess different candidates in an equivalent manner nor will different interviewers produce a similar assessment. Moreover, certain overriding factors such as appearance, communication skills or creation of a personal connect over shared experiences or interest can skew evaluations. Therefore, an organisation must essentially have a defined interview and assessment strategy and interviewers must be trained to achieve consistent and calibrated results.

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